Various Adverse Effects If The Car Is Too Long Exposed To Sunlight

Various Adverse Effects If The Car Is Too Long Exposed To Sunlight Various Adverse Effects If The Car Is Too Long Exposed To Sunlight Weather changes are one of the factors that can affect the condition of the car, either when the vehicle is moving or in parking conditions. The impact is varied, ranging from the fading of car beauty to component damage. First, the impact is directly to the car exterior that becomes dull. Then it continues into the interior, especially on soft touch parts such as skin synthesis. Usually, the part will be broken. Next, when you first open the car after being parked in a hot spot, open the window so there is an air exchange. Don't just rely on AC. This is done so that the hot air is wasted and immediately replaced with cold air that is exhaled by AC. As well, relieve the AC work to cool the car cabin. Avoid directly turning on the AC with maximum fan power. This can happen because there is a direct touch between the glass that has heat conduct...